
Reasons Why Staying Hydrated is Necessary

Posted by HealthA2Z & NutraA2Z on Nov 29th 2021

 Reasons Why Staying Hydrated is Necessary

Most people don’t realize the importance of staying hydrated until they are diagnosed with health issues related to less water intake. Dehydration leads to kidney problems, heat strokes, lightheadedness, headaches, and in the worst-case scenario, seizures.

Experts recommend drinking 8-11 cups of water per day to aid bodily functions and improve your overall mood. It also promotes weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.

Here are 4 reasons why staying hydrated is necessary.

A glass of water on a table

Relieves Constipation

If you often experience constipation, consider increasing your water intake. Constipation results due to low body fluid. Stools that remain in the bowel harden over time due to water deficiency.

Increasing your daily water and fluid intake will soften the stool and help it pass more smoothly and painlessly. Making a few lifestyle changes like controlling your fiber intake and drinking plenty of water can improve bowel function and prevent constipation.

Minimize Painful Headaches

Mild or chronic dehydration leads to painful headaches. According to a survey, 1 in 10 people has experienced dehydration headaches. In a dehydration headache, your temples throb, and the pain gets worse when you move or tilt your head.

To relieve the headache, drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated during the entire day and especially during a physical activity like intense training or workout. These activities involve significant water loss through sweating.

You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers in case of severe headaches. Generally - after drinking adequate water - the pain takes 30 minutes to 3 hours to subside.

Improves Energy Levels and Brain Function

It’s no myth that staying hydrated improves your focus and energy levels. People who drink 8-10 glasses of water a day have improved reaction times, alertness, memory, and cognition. A study by the University of Westminster indicates that you can boost your brain efficiency up to 25% by drinking 300 ml of water.

You can also concentrate better on the task at hand if you are hydrated. Dehydration results in irritability, tiredness, frustration and lowers your concentration by 10%. Increase your daily water intake to improve your energy levels and work efficiency.

Prevent Kidney Stones

Staying hydrated may help in preventing kidney stones. Kidney stones form when oxalate –the by-product of certain foods like tea and nuts – combines with calcium in the kidney. The increase in calcium and oxalate is due to low body fluids and high salt content. Individuals having diabetes or metabolic issues also develop kidney stones due to constant loss of body fluids through urination.

To avoid kidney stone formation, drink up to 3 liters of water throughout the day.

A woman drinking water from a glass

Water alone, however, can’t address all your health problems. If you are looking for a reliable online pharmacy store to purchase over-the-counter medicines, connect with us at Health A2Z. Our strongest headache medicine and stomach relief medications are made in an FDA-registered facility.

Contact us for the best over-the-counter premium pharmaceutical supplement.