
Reasons Why You Need More Vitamin C In Your Diet

Posted by HealthA2Z & NutraA2Z on Aug 25th 2021

Reasons Why You Need More Vitamin C In Your Diet

Did you know that Scurvy was actually just a Vitamin C deficiency? Yep! Extreme anemia, tooth loss, debility, exhaustion, and all these other extreme symptoms are the cause of a simple deficiency.

You’d be surprised at how many of us, even today, are deficient in this essential nutrient, and how many benefits we're missing out on. If you'd like to know more about the benefits of adding Vitamin C to your diet and nutrition, check out the reasons below:

It reduces the risk of chronic disease

Chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease can be prevented with the regular intake of Vitamin C which is chockful of antioxidants. These powerful ingredients work by neutralizing free radicals and fighting against harmful agents within our bodies, which, in turn, fights many chronic diseases. There’s still room for more concrete research of course, but there’s nothing but benefits to upping our intake of this wonderful vitamin.

Can help regulate blood pressure

What’s more powerful than an agent that can help neutralize blood pressure? Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that high doses of this incredible vitamin can help reduce blood pressure in small fractions. Although it’s not easy to get these doses through diet alone, supplements may help you get there.

An orange slice showing half of it filled with Vitamin C supplement pills.

Boosts immunity and strength

At a time when we can use everything we can get our hands on to strengthen our immune systems and build better, stronger bodies, Vitamin C is an incredibly powerful agent that does all that and more. Your immunity is significantly improved with the regular intake of Vitamin C, and it’s as easy as gulping down a glass of juice for better health.

Your cognition and brain function improves

Get sharper, clearer focus improved memory, and feel better overall when you begin to have Vitamin C regularly. Not only does it act as a neurosynthesiser, but it also keeps your cognitive functions and performance in check, with studies showing a demonstrable difference between those who had more Vitamin C in their bodies compared to those who didn’t.

While you need a balanced intake for all your essential vitamins, Vitamin C is one of the easiest to find as a supplement. We’re bringing you premium pharmaceutical supplement that are FDA-registered, including a Vitamin C prebiotic drink. Find various health supplements online through our website, and have them delivered straight to your home!