
Better Sleep: Our Guide to a Good Night’s Rest

Posted by HealthA2Z & NutraA2Z on Jun 16th 2021

Better Sleep: Our Guide to a Good Night’s Rest

Sleep deprivation is the leading cause of many long-term and severe health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, failure, and stroke. According to National Sleep Foundation (yes, there’s a foundation for sleep, too), you should be getting around 7 to 9 hours of sleep as an adult.

But what if your hectic work, school, and life schedules don’t allow that? With our guide, you’ll be sleeping like a baby and waking up fresh and energetic in no time.

Stick to the natural sleep-wake cycle

One of the most effective strategies for improving the quality of your sleep is keeping your body in sync with its natural sleep-wake cycle. It allows you to wake up fresh and energized, even if you slept for a few hours.

Keep a bedside alarm clock to get yourself out of bed every morning and avoid sleeping in late or at odd hours as it’ll disrupt your pattern. Limit for naps to only a few minutes every day and only jump in bed at night.

Cut back on your screen time

Blue light from your phone, tablets, and TV can severely impact your sleeping schedule. Avoid using them an hour to two before bed to minimize its effects and get sleepy.

If you need something to get you tired, try listening to some podcasts or reading a book. These activities will soothe your brain and allow you to fall asleep much faster.

Control your exposure to light

Wake up early and spend time in the sun; it increases your melatonin levels. Melatonin is the naturally occurring hormone that induces and regulates your sleeping patterns.

Sun exposure also increases vitamin D levels and helps combat muscular pains and mental disorders like depression. Spending time out in the sun is beneficial to your overall health.

Watch your diet

You are what you eat, and if your diet consists of unhealthy greasy foods and high caffeine intake, you’ll be suffering from sleep problems.

Start meditating and working out

Working out and meditating every day will help you clear your mind and reduce stress allowing you to fall asleep much faster. It’ll get you tired and ready for bed by the end of the day.

Enhance your sleeping environment or bedroom

The environment of your bedroom plays a vital role in your sleep schedule. If you have light and noises coming in at night, there’s no way you’d be able to sleep peacefully. Keep your room dark and eliminate any noises with earplugs or headphones.

Try some non-habit forming sleeping pills

If all else fails, get yourself some non-addictive sleeping pills and watch as your lights go out instantly.

Are you looking for some premium anxiety sleeplessness medicine online? Check out our products.

At Health A2Z, we offer a wide variety of supplements and medications to help keep your pain, allergies, and deficiencies at bay. Our sleep aid tablets are easy to swallow and help you fall and stay asleep. They’re safe for adults and kids and aren’t addictive.

If you want to know more about our products, reach out to us!