
Common Types of Headaches and What They Feel Like

Posted by HealthA2Z & NutraA2Z on Sep 23rd 2021

Common Types of Headaches and What They Feel Like

a person holding head due to pain

We’ve all experienced headaches. They’re less severe while they make others want to bang their head. But there's no doubt that everyone wants to get rid of them as fast as possible.

There are 150 different types of headaches out of which here are some of the most common types of headaches.

Sinus Headache

Headache can also be triggered by sinusitis or allergies. This headache affects the frontal region of your brain, near your nose and forehead.

The symptoms of a sinus headache include green or yellow nasal discharge, throbbing pain when you lean forward, pulsating pressure behind your forehead. It can also cause redness and swelling in the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Sinus headache is usually cured by relieving sinus pressure via thinning out mucus from that area.

Cluster Headache

Female student suffering from headache in need of best pain relief

Cluster headaches occur behind one eye or on one side of the face. You would feel a sharp pain in the affected area, sometimes accompanied by redness, flushing, and swelling. You may even experience sweating in the affected region.

These headaches usually occur in clusters with regular breaks. One episode can last for 15 minutes to three hours, then disappear and reappear sporadically. The symptoms of cluster headaches include pain around one eye, facial sweating, a drooping eyelid, redness in the eye, blocked or runny nose, and tearing in the eye.

Thunderclap Headache

Thunderclap headaches, a secondary form of headaches, is severe, sudden, and reaches maximum intensity in under 1 minute. This headache can last longer than 5 minutes and can be a consequence of a life-threatening condition.

They can cause due to an aneurysm, meningitis, internal bleeding in the brain, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome, or a blood clot in the brain. So, people who experience a thunderclap headache should receive immediate medical attention.


According to the Migraine Research Foundation, nearly 1 in 4 households has a migraine victim. Migraine headache often occurs on one side of the brain but may also shift sides. During a migraine, a person may experience throbbing pain, lightheadedness, nausea, sensitivity to light or sound, vomiting, and difficulty focusing.

It is caused by a range of contributing factors, including a decrease in serotonin levels. It can also be triggered by a lack of sleep, hormonal changes, dehydration, certain odors, loud noises, and changes in weather conditions.

The frequency of migraines varies from person to person but may occur once a week to once a year. They typically last from a few hours to 2-3 days.

If you're looking to buy high quality pain relief for severe headache, we've got just the right solution for you! We offer a range of over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical drugs and nutritional supplements across the US.

At HealthA2Z, you get the best Aspirin 81 mg for relieving minor headaches. We also offer medicine for Headache Relief& tension headache relief capletsthat contains acetaminophen and caffeine to relieve you of your pain almost instantly.These tablets are aspirin-free and good for your stomach.

Reach out to us to learn more about our pain relief OTC drugs.