
Common Signs That Indicate You’re Vitamin Deficient

Posted by HealthA2Z & NutraA2Z on Feb 4th 2022

Common Signs That Indicate You’re Vitamin Deficient

Vitamins are the essence of our body that aids in almost all of its functions, but many people still don’t focus on having a healthy intake of these, with almost 10% of Americans having vitamin deficiencies. These deficiencies can cause severe short-term and long-term issues to your body like hair loss, brittle nails, poor vision, weak bones, or even anxiety and sleeplessness. Noticing these symptoms can be challenging, so use this blog to help understand the various signs.

A variety of vitamin supplements in a cup

Severe Hair Loss

A common symptom of Iron deficiency is severe hair loss. According to studies, the usual amount of hair our body loses is 50 to 100 strands daily. However, if you’re finding clumps of hair on your pillow every morning after waking up, then it could mean that you’re suffering from a severe iron deficiency. The fluctuating iron levels can also mean that it will affect your energy levels or cause a thyroid disease that might explain a sudden rise or fall in your body weight.

Furthermore, low iron levels can also cause you to feel cold more often and feel dizzy or have headaches frequently. Thyroid disorder can make your muscles weak, cause joint aches and make your skin dry and pale.

You can eat food items like nuts, dried fruits, beans, or red meats to increase iron levels in your body. You can also buy nutritional supplements with a healthy amount of iron to better compensate for any deficiency.

Slow Healing

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C

A common sign of Vitamin C deficiency is the slow healing of your wounds or getting bruised easily. That’s because vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and serves as an anti-inflammatory component in your body that protects your cells from damage. Low vitamin C levels can prolong the duration of colds or other illnesses.

The most important sources of healthy vitamin C intake are citrus fruits like oranges and clementines; however, if you’re unable to incorporate these fruits into your diet, you can get vitamin C supplements from your nearest pharmaceutical stores.

Irregular Heartbeat or Brittle Bones

The main functions of calcium in our body are regulating heartbeat and making our bones and teeth stronger. So, a calcium deficient person can suffer from an irregular heartbeat or experience chest pains.

Calcium also works with the muscles for proper functioning, especially in your face and mouth, and lack of calcium could cause twitches around your face or muscle pains. Furthermore, you might even suffer from frequent bone fractures as well.

Healthy sources of calcium intake are salmon and sardines (also excellent sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids) or dairy products like milk and yogurt.

If you’re looking to order premium nutritional supplements, check out our online store. Our NutraA2Z product range features the cheapest supplements online for all your health needs.

If you’re looking to shop during winter, we have a 20% discount on all our products throughout December, and we’re also offering free shipping on all orders over $30, so contact us right away for home delivery of your supplements.